A community-based exploration of

the impacts of SRO programs within

the Greater Sudbury Area




Identified as 2SLGBTQIA+


Identified as BIPOC


Reported living in poverty

As an organization rooted in abolitionist and equitable values, our organization was highly compelled to further investigate the impact of policing within educational institutions in the Greater Sudbury area – as there is limited reporting and/or data on this phenomenon and its subsequent impacts. In August 2021, we began the Sudbury Policing Free Schools initiative with the intent of:

1. Ensuring all key stakeholders (i.e community members, teachers, staff, students) are aware of the Sudbury School Resource Officer (SRO) program and the involvement of policing within educational institutions;

2. Centering and privileging the experiences of racialized and/or marginalized students as they outline their experiences with school police officer programs;

3. Determining the impacts (i.e emotional, psychological, academic) of SRO programs in Greater Sudbury; and

4. Advocating for equitable schools without police involvement.

The purpose of this research report is to present our research findings in regards to policing within educational institutions in the Greater Sudbury Area, and to highlight the disproportionate targeting of racialised youth by police, and the negative impact of policing on schools and families. This report centres our findings and supporting literature from advocacy groups of parents/guardians/caregivers, students, and teachers, organizing for equitable schools without police involvement, as well as a conclusive series of recommendations to address systemic racism and carceral punishment in schools.

This report was made available to the public in September 2023. 

“Students have unmet needs that are being met with these punitive measures […] they’re pushed from the place where they should be receiving support the most”
- MayaSpoken

Project Title
Policing Free Schools: A community-based exploration of the impacts of School Resource Officer (SRO) programs within the Greater Sudbury Area
Authored and edited
Authored by members of Black Lives Matter Sudbury and edited by Andrea Vásquez Jiménez.
Thanks and gratitude
Thank you to our Policing Free School (PFS) survey participants for providing us with data for this report.
Suggested citation
Black Lives Matter Sudbury. “Policing Free Schools: A community-based exploration of SRO programs within the Greater Sudbury Area” Retrieved (date) from: (link).
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